Predicted ligands and glycosides for each binding site (3D structures as bound to protein)
ProBiS-Fold aims to
Provide interactive, downloadable binding sites for human proteome for functional and drug discovery studies
Enable human proteome-wide structure-based virtual screening and selectivity prediction
Binding sites and post-translational sites types
Compound (substrate/agonist-competitive ligands), cofactor (cofactor and cofactor-competitive ligands) (based on list of known cofactors), protein (both <20 aa. and >=20 aa.), peptide (<20 aa.), nucleic acid (DNA or RNA molecules), metal ion (structurally conserved) and water (structurally conserved)
Glycoslyation sites (O- and N- glycosylation)
Ranked according to the estimated druggability score (applies to compound and cofactor sites)
Centroids (x,y,z,radius) that accurately describe the often convoluted binding site shapes
Binding site protein residues that interact with ligands
Predicted ligands obtained using structure-based comparative ProBiS approach from similar binding sites in the PDB
Binding site bounding box (in AutoDock Vina format) ready for docking
Receptor, an AlphaFold2 predicted protein single chain structure
AlphaFold ID, UniProt ID, PDB ID and Chain ID (where available)
Protein name
Protein function, such as, protein kinases or cancer-related proteins